Hotel Lux – Rome

Hotel Lux – Rome

HOTEL LUX - ROME SITUATION: After tested the efficiency ofAisin Gas Heat Pumps in its other accomodation (Hotel Siracusa – Rome), the property of Hotel lux decided for the refurbish of air-conditioning systemof this structure too. Even on this case GEHP has been...
Hotel Siracusa – ROMA

Hotel Siracusa – ROMA

HOTEL SIRACUSA - ROME SITUATION: Siracusa Hotel in Rome had to refurbish its air-conditioning system. The request was about an energy efficiency and eco-friendly solution could assure money savings and comfort. Because of the hotel is situated in the centre of the...
Athens Gate Hotel – Greece

Athens Gate Hotel – Greece

Athens Gate Hotel ****- GREECE SITUATION: The GEHP D model, installed in 2007 at Athens Gate Hotel**** ( had performed perfectly over the years giving great savings and comfort. A choice of efficiency that contributed to the recognition of the...

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